Hi! Currently in 2nd tri of pregnancy. Wonder whether should take novavax or pfizer covid booster?

Novavax vaccine or Pfizer for booster shot?

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consult your doctor first because when you go for the jab the person will ask if doctor say can take.. I took pfizer because side effect lesser

I stuck to the same vaccine I took for 1st and 2nd dose as i had “tested” it before pregnancy. Pfizer.

I took Pfizer in my 2nd Tri as my earlier two shots were Pfizer too. no side effects after the jab for me

Which week will u be taking booster? Am 15+ weeks, need to check with my gyane also about this.

2y ago

currently 23 weeks and was booking to take pfizer at 24 weeks. just considering novavax now as its available and not mrna :)

will recommended by my gynae to take pfizer

i took pfizer

I took Pfizer
