Reno works during pregnant
Not sure if it’s pantang thing as I have neighbours upstairs hacking, and drilling everyday doing extreme loud and heavy works and I’m currently pregnant and WFH… not sure what to do 🫠 hope baby is okay.

it can be annoying for the renovation to take place around us. typically other than noise pollution, it shd be ok. what most of us probably like to take note is renovation toxification can occur from exposure to harmful chemicals and dusts released during construction and furnishing. that could impact the development of the BB. chemicals release from painting and Formaldehyde from the furnishings of cabinets and wardrobe will be a bigger concern. I think this will be happening after the drilling. so maybe move out for the period if possible?
Read moreHeard from my in law and parents — it’s okay if it’s other people’s house. Only not okay to be there if it’s your house.