14 Balas

same here. morning wake up and prepare my daughter's to school. after she goes, i feel so sleepy and continue to sleep. then afternoon n evening. too sleepy

normal. i slept from 5.30pm until 8am yesterday. maybe its because baby so active and using my energy.im almost 38weeks now

normal..tdur ja sis..klau tak tdo rasa dia mcm mau mngamuk pun ada..trus pening2 mcm yg org x ckup tdo😅😅

I cannot sleep at night , so i will cover during the days .. hehe tak kerja boleh la kot ..

Sama sis hehe

Im 33 weeks pun waktu siang cepat ja rasa nak tidur.. Tapi waktu malam susah pula tidur.. Huhu

normal.. sbb badan akan sentiasa rasa penat.. tu la rasa nak tidur je..

samalah mcm saya.. kerap buang air kecil waktu mlm.. baby aktif dll

Tido je.. Nanti da ade baby waktu tido da lari.. Hehe

sy pun mcm tu . 34w , baru bgun tido pun mgtok g

sy trus tkleh tdo mlm .. siang baru tdo lena ..

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