Newborn Not Pooping?

Is it normal for newborn not to poop for 2 days? Baby currently 1 week old, having formula every 2-3 hours (Similac infant 2'-FL) Previously was mixed feeding between breastmilk and formula till 3-4 days old. Decided to go full on formula Baby currently have some jaundice issue as well. Any ways to make her poop? Her last poop was 25/1 at 5pm (also after 1.5days not pooping). Its 27/1 4pm now and no poop ever since that evening. So worry now

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When my baby girl was a few days old, she also also didn't poop for 2days. We tried to massage her tummy in semi circle at the top of her belly button from left to right. She will usually poop on the 3rd day. I am feeding her breast milk & formula. If you are feeding full formula, you can try to give baby small sips of water.

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Is the pee ok? I do know that breastfeeding, baby poo more. Is it sudden change to formula? New born should poo, I would monitor 1 more day before consulting PD.

5y ago

Yes baby has been peeing alot but no poop so far...