Newborn Baby Seem Difficult to Sleep at Night
Hi, is it normal for a newborn baby who is 18 days old to be having difficulties to sleep at night? It is always at the same timing about 11pm to 2am. I don't want to keep giving her milk because I am scared she will vomit. She couldn't stop crying. She will only fall asleep if someone hold her. But once we put her down, she will wake up. Any solutions?

Mine had the same issue last time. I'm not sure what is the reason, though heard that it could be growth spurt. What i did was, give her small amounts of milk. If she refused, then i stop feeding. After that, I'll hold her to sleep, and when she is more deeply aslp, I'll put her down gently. Usually it works. It is very tiring, but i felt that babies at this young age need to be held to feel secure, thus i did that. This is a phase that will pass, so hang on!
Read moreur baby has yet to tell the difference btween day n night, and is seeking comfort - its a whole new world to her compared to the warmth she felt when shes still in mummy's tummy. bear with it and give her as much cuddle as u can. its tiring but will get better!
it might due to colic can try use a carrier to make baby comfortable and deep sleep before placing into cot or bed. if you're Chinese there's something you can pray to ensure a smooth night.
yes. mine because he sleeps mostly in the day. so pd suggested extending his wake time in the day so he can sleep more at night.
Mine was like that too , so i co-sleep with my baby .. U may put her down after she gone into deep sleep .
Could be either colic or growth spurt, needs more milk.