Spotting first trimester
Normal ke kalau keluar darah macam coklat2 2 hari berturut? #spotting #Spotting1sttrimester

Sy at 6w ada spotting colour brown.. Pegi scan takde sac, but check upt still +ve.. Ada 2 possibilities, either salah tarikh weeks means dia still small tak nampak sac or it could be ectopic.. So far sy takde cramps kadang2 sakit belakang sbb over standing/jalan je.. My next appointment will be another 2weeks to check but in the meantime kena monitor the spotting (now its been 3days)
Baca lagihi awak. sy tgh alami bnda ni skg. sy rasa sebiji mcm sengugut & period tu. upt masih positive. sy tkthu sy misscarrige atau chemical pregnancy. sbb sy tk scan lg jd tak tahu kandungan usia brp mggu
better awak ke klinik tny, sbb lain org ,lain badan dia. ada yg normal, ada yg tak.
10.10.2023 miscarriage.. msa pergi klinik dr ckp maybe tanda awal miscarriage atau sbb keputihan teruk tp esoknya turun darah byk terus ke hospital .. Dr dkt hospital ckp totally miscarriage🥲
tak normal sis. pergi check ya. mudah-mudahan tak ada apa2
terima kasih byk2🥰🥰
dekat KK Dr ckp mmg xkn bg ubat utk kuatkan rahim
Hoping for a child