Period after postpartum

Is it normal to have late period after postpartum? gave birth last May, got my period in July. and now i am almost one week late. i am so fully, i haven't checked for UPT🫣 i am not ready for double line again. #pleasehelp #bantusharing

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bkn semua ibu full bf akan period lmbt.. ada yg dtg slps habis pantang ada yg lewat.. semua bergantung pd hormon masing².. badan kita x sama.. klau betul² nk jarakkan anak sila merancang dgn betul klau x yakin blh ambil perancang..


I gave birth last October, got my first ever period after pospartum last week😅. Am still breastfeed him tho. Tot it last a year🤣.

1 weeks plus still no period and tested UPT negative. so it must be hormone from BF. legaaaaaa nmpak single line 🤣


Some of breast feeding mom got late period / not having period during her breastfeeding journey.

mom with fully bf usually have this kind of problem. no worries ok, it's normal

ada ambik perancang x. kena get ready if mmg awak xambik apa2 perancang.

sy ank 4 bulan full bf , sy belum priod lagi . hahaa

