Feeling shitty
Is it normal to hate parenthood? It's just hard. I find myself crying most of the time. I love my child, i do, really but it's just hectic and im so exhausted

I feel you. I quit my job in a June 2020 to look after my then 8 month old. She’s a handful now. Sometimes I lose my temper, to be honest. Super tired always screaming now that she’s learning to run away from me. Sometimes she doesn’t want to listen, and it gets on my nerves. However, it’s normal to be feeling this way. Post-partum baby blues. Just ensure you have someone to share your concerns with, like a friend, a sibling, a relative. Sometimes even a colleague can help you get through worse times. Watch videos on post-partum depression and how to watch out for symptoms. If you need help, please reach out to the necessary organisations. Remember, mental health is also the key to happiness. Plan ahead to go out, take a stroll in the park or the mall. Eat something you like. Get help from someone you trust to look after your baby for a couple of hours while you do your nails or hair. Take naps when baby is sleeping, then resume your chores. Take a breather. Watch Netflix, chick-flicks, Korean drama, whatever that rocks your socks before parenthood.
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