10 Replies

i think depends on your gynae because i believe if u have a well balanced diet, the rest are really, like they call it supplements. my gynae only prescribed folate and ustrogen for my first trim. and now in my second trim, because i can’t take pills, will vomit when i do so, she has asked me to just go on iherb and buy some prenatal gummies. best check with your gynae on what’s best for u :)

yeah she gave me a lot and im only in first tri...? haha thanks good to know!


I guess it depends on the gynae and your condition ? I don't remember taking so many supplements. maybe you can asked your gyne which is the one necessary to have. I always believe in discussing with your gyne. need to trust them ... maybe your body just need all those supplements!


if you are having a nutritious and well balanced diet, u can probably skip them. Otherwise, you may consider taking them. you can however buy it on your own from pharmacy instead cos it will be cheaper. Folic acid better to take though.

VIP Member

I would say trust ur gynae since u choose him/her. He would know what’s best for ur condition and yes I did have a lot of supplements during my pregnancy last time too! 😉

Your gynae will usually prescribe you what they think is best for you. Thru out your pregnancy, your gynae may stop some of the vitamins as well :)

ahh okay. thanks! my gynae gave me SO MUCH vitamins im a bit doubtful what to eat...

I took calcium, vit d, multi vit n fish oil too your gynea will adjust accordingly to your lifestyle and situation. at least mine did

hmm but she nv ask about my lifestyle or i also didnt take blood test yet. how did yours ask about your lifestyle? (:

VIP Member

Gynae will prescribe the supplement based on your condition... my gynae prescribe me with multi vit,fish oil, and iron tablet

thanks Kai Qi! can I ask how did your gynae assess your condition? like blood test or?


so far for my pregnancy was only told to take multivitamin and fish oil.

VIP Member

it's normal, gynae will prescribe what is best for you

i feel like she gave me everything under the sun though haha!

VIP Member

I took more than these😂

oh my i take one tablet i feel like puking already! it's huge haha respect babe!

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