
Is it normal to feel shitty knowing ur frens got married aftr u, and are already pregnant ? Whereas u r still TTC for almost a year+ and still nthg .. i just feel shitty ..

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I guess it’s inevitable to feel down and probably envious of the other couples. Have you tried TCM and/or gone for any checks with gynae?

3y ago

I had the same feeling last time before I finally got pregnant. Also tried for a year. Worse was kept being asked where was my baby 😅. I have irregular menses and imbalance hormone. Was on duphaston for a year but still no news. Then I stopped taking the med and start to include ground flax seed into my diet which has the ability to balance our hormone and surprisingly I got pregnant in the following month. Not sure if it was just coincidence or not, now I'm preg with my #2, also started flax seed about 1 month before trying and got preg the following month. 😂 Probably you can try too!

yes and it feels terrible when they just discuss abt their kids and share pics videos ☹️