13 months old still babble

Is it normal 13 months old still babble alot ? And not really any proper word and no mama papa? At which month can your bb say proper word esp to address you and daddy. But knows how to say ball, bubble, know and understand simple instructions, can point, wave, fly kiss, good eye contact, love interaction

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The usual developmental timeline is 12-18 months where they’ll be able to speak in simple words e.g., mama or dada or simple phrases of 2-3 words e.g., I want peepee. Baby girls are generally able to achieve this earlier than boys. It appears that your baby is well within his/her expected developmental milestone so don’t worry too much (: be patient and speak with him/her more to help build up their vocabulary!

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Mine is also 13 months old, and is at the same stage as yours. very few proper words(if any at all), but gestures and understands simple words. I think he's fine, each baby at their own pace