Differentiate day and night baby
My newborn was able to sleep at night time and fussy in the afternoon. However now (3 weeks old) it seems she think night is the day and day is night. She has been sleepin more soundly in the day. At night she doesn’t really want to sleep. Any mummies have some issue?

Aww man. I remember this vividly. Around one month old, i started to expose baby to sunlight, just hanging by the windows to see outside, so not direct sunlight. Helps with melatonin production which puts baby to sleep at the right times in the evening. Constantly did this for a couple weeks and she slowly shifted to sleeping from eleven pm, then down to ten then now at seven months around 8pm ish.
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What I can say, sometimes it’s a phase. My baby used to be able to self soothed and fell asleep at night before 10pm. Now she’s 5months old and we need to pat her and hold her and most of the time, she sleeps at 12am 🥹
😢😢 thanks for sharing! I hope this is really just a phase😭