Formula feeding

Hi all, my newborn is 2 weeks old and I have low milk supply from beginning and trying to pump and latch but it's not enough so the baby is pretty much fully formula fed and I feel so terrible. Is it bad if my child will be fully formula fed?

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Hi there, First of all, congratulations on your newborn! It's completely natural to feel a bit overwhelmed and concerned about feeding, but please don't be too hard on yourself. You are already doing an amazing job by trying to provide the best care for your little one. It's important to remember that feeding your baby, whether it's through breast milk or formula, is all about ensuring they get the nutrition they need to grow and thrive. Many babies are fully formula-fed and develop perfectly healthy and strong. Formula is designed to mimic breast milk and contains all the essential nutrients your baby needs. If you're still keen on increasing your milk supply, there are a few things you can try: 1. **Frequent Nursing and Pumping**: The more you nurse or pump, the more signals your body gets to produce milk. Consider using a good quality breast pump like this one [here]( 2. **Stay Hydrated and Eat Well**: Make sure you're drinking plenty of water and eating a balanced diet. 3. **Lactation Supplements**: Some supplements can help boost milk production. You might want to check out this product [here]( But if your baby ends up being fully formula-fed, that's okay too. The most important thing is that your baby is fed, loved, and cared for. You should not feel terrible about choosing what's best for your situation. Every family’s journey is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. Take care and give yourself the grace and support you deserve during this special time. You're doing great! Warmest wishes.

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No it's definitely not bad to be formula fed. Breastfeeding has its good points - which is to pass antibodies to baby to strengthen his immune system by a bit. So if you are able, and is not trouble for you to pump or latch, I would suggest to continue pumping or latching, perhaps just for a bonding session and not as a feeding session, a little bit would be great too. If not, fully formula fed would not be a bad idea either.

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Don’t feel bad . Being fed is more important. But you can try to continue pumping and getting your baby to try latch even though your feeding with formula. Because sometimes the supply comes in slow at first. You can also ask a lactation consultant too. It can be also what you eat and all that can help produce more milk. I started alittle slow but as I kept trying to pump and feed , the increase came .

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I have the same issues and stress comes when my in-laws emphasise so much on breastfeeding. I felt so depressed about it. Now I come to terms that it is okay to mix. So now I breastfeed when I can and formula feed when I can’t. Just do what you know is best for your baby. As long as he is happy and healthy, no need to worry too much about how he is fed.

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Hi mummy congrats. I had the same issue as my baby refused to latch. However I still pump whatever I can to give her. I can only pump about 30ml per session and the rest is formula fed. My baby is 6 weeks now and she is perfectly fine. Don’t feel stress about it. I can understand it’s hard.

9mo ago

thank you for your kind words.

It’s perfectly fine! As long as baby is fed!! Doesn’t matter formula or breast milk. Please don’t beat yourself up about it! Many kids grew up being formula fed since the day they were born! Don’t worry about it. Your baby will be fine as long as your baby is fed :)

My baby is mixed fed since birth, she’s all good. And I myself is a full time fm fed baby, I’m fine and strong. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Taking care of a newborn is tough. Provide your best and all will be good :)

I was also low supply but I just gave whatever I can get. try to drink more water, try lactation supplements. I only manage to get adequate amount after 1 and half months and still not enough to have frozen stash.

Not at all, all milk is equal, don’t be too pressured by breastfeeding. Just to share, my milk supply only went up at about 1.5m after switching to handsfree pump. Also, stress affects supply.

9mo ago

thank you

It's perfectly fine. Many of us are formula fed, myself included, and we've all grown up well and healthy. Fed is best,not breast is best.

9mo ago

love your comment. thank you