Netflix or Youtube?
Which streaming service do you use the most?

I am a YouTuber with an audience of many thousands, and I began to notice that the views of my channel over the past couple of months began to fall. For some reason, YouTube does not recommend my channel to another audience. I started consulting with my friends and all recommend me to buy live views for my videos. I started looking for a service, it's good that there are a lot of them, but the problem is in trust and in prices. But I still chose one of these . Here the prices are cheaper and there is a guarantee. All the same, 10k is a large amount and I don't want the purchase to negatively affect my videos. But I already bought earlier on this site, although the package was smaller. But it helped me make my videos more popular and, as a result, get a lot of subscribers. I put my soul into my videos and really want them to get a lot of views.
Read moreDepends! Netflix for drama. Youtube for simple songs/ lullaby
Netflix. I’ve been making every single cent worth it 😂
Depends but for binge watching obviously Netflix
Both but Netflix content is good
You tube coz it’s free 😬
Actually I stream both lol
YouTube when I have wifi
YouTube. It's free
bit of both