I've lost my job when my ex boss found out I was pregnant during my probation. It's been about 2 years now, life is definitely a bit tougher esp finances wise. I haven't really bought any new clothes or shoes for myself in the longest time. Feel down sometimes like why am I in such a situation only depending on my husband. Luckily my husband is very understanding so he doesn't mention that I'm a SAHM and not contributing financially etc, in fact he feels it's better that I'm home with the baby instead of putting her in ifc or cc. It's definitely not because he makes a lot either, we are just barely surviving with what he's making, we are living simply now. I'll prob work again when baby is older but it'll be a lot harder to find a job then since I've been out of job for such a long while. Meanwhile I'm doing some freelance designing job to make some money, not much but enough to buy things here and there.
I feel sometimes is better to act blur and don't take your husband's comments too seriously. Don't be affected by him and just do your job as a mother and enjoy it while it last. You'll eventually go back to work when the kiddos start school.
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