Need a listening ear .. I've currently on at least 1 year no pay leave to be SAHM to take care of my two kids (age 7 and 16 months old).. especially for my 16 months old cos previously when I was still working , I sent him to infant care but he kept falling sick .. though I know it is normal that they will fall sick initially but he got bronchitis 3-4x.. thus, the decision to take care of my kids by myself cos I have no other help parents or in-law's help available .. couldn't find a suitable babysitter .. my job is quite a high paying one , thus initially my hubby was unwilling for me to take 1 year no pay leave but seeing our baby down with bronchitis so many times within the short span of 6 months , we decided that perhaps this is the best choice for now .. I realised that being a SAHM is tough but satisfying .. there are challenging days but seeing my kids achieving their milestones is something that money can't buy. I also realised that becos I'm a SAHM now , my hubby becomes less Hands-on.. maybe he thinks that I'm not working so leave everything to me especially when it comes to handling the kids .. I still think he should bond with the kids but now is like he completely push everything to me :( he always say you are not earning now , full time housewife , so gotta do more . I'm okie to do more but at least he should spend time playing with kids too, right ? And whenever I wanna go grocery shopping or buy something for the kids, he will keep reminding me that I'm not earning now, don't anyhow spend .. I didn't anyhow spend .. i jus buy what is necessary like grocery and kid's necessities .. every time I need to spend money to buy what is needed, I'll feel so stressed .. and the way he says it makes me feel bad that I'm not working .. any SAHM here who is in similar situation as me ? Give up high paying job for at least a year to take care of family and kids full time?

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I am a SAHM for a year now, i dont have a high paying job but I can understand the financial freedom you used to have before deciding to stay at home. I feel that what concerns you more is the attitude of your husband because either he is stressed of the lesser income and all expenses falls on him, if not he don't understand the important role of SAHM, which unfortunately percieved as do nothing at home. Do have a good talk with your husband that you are hurt by some of his comments on money spending, ask him if he is struggling on finances. If he is, better to get back to work when your #2 gets better. Otherwise if he keep on talking about thrifting on expenses in the long run, it will only made you feel stressed and like a burden as well. If his appreciation has increased, great news for you as you will be a happier SAHM.

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