4 Balas

hi awak. 1st of all sy suggest awak cari kedai yg boleh test breastpam tu sendiri sbb bila kita nk invest kita nk stu kepuasan yg berbaloi utk kita dn baby. boleh minta seller guide awak dlm pemilihan breastpam. dr segi size corong pam, awak nk guna pam jenis mcm mna. heavy duty ke. handfree pam ke. manual pam ke. electric pam. sy bg contoh stu, myb mommy ni pakai brand real bubble okay. tp bila awak beli then pakai pula jadi xokay. saya boleh share apa yg sy guna je utk awak servey sendiri okay,☺️ sy ada double handfree pump & wireless handfree pump. Sy beli 2 sbb sy jenis pelupa. kdg sy tertgl dkt opis la. kdg2 dh smpi opis tp xbwk pump double handfree pump brand ashlee love. hrga xslh sy msa beli double ni 200++ kot. sy pakai okay. cuma mesin pam bunyi kuat😅. kira org keliling tau kita pam. sy jnis buat bodo. klu org tgur. jnji sy pam on time. wireless breastpam sy tggl dkt rumah. mean bila dkt rumah sy pkai yg tu. brand sy pkai bebebao. yg ni sy pkai selesa dgn sy. hrga 100++ utk double

Can try electric breast pump, stronger suction and easy to use. If you buy wanna buy the wearable type, you can buy 1 unit for 1 breast and another breast use breast milk collection shell.

kalau x kisah dr segi harga, brand arley z10 ultra. Tapi i suggest you survey n tgk semua review baru boleh decide.

supermama breastpump ok banyak dekat fb diorang preloved harga murah ..

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