My friend wants to know if it's okay for her to indulge in a can of coke each day? her cravings are so bad that if she doesnt drink it, she feels like she's going mad.

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Generally, it’s safe to drink coke during pregnancy. However as with everything else, best to do it in moderate amounts. Regular intake of coke results in empty calories without any other nutrients and being pregnant you will want to make every calorie count. You should not let soft drinks like coke and its caloric content substitute other healthier drinks that you can drink instead. Also, remember to consider that the recommended caffeine intake of no more than 200 mg per day during pregnancy. A can of coke contains about 35 to 55 mg of caffeine so do drink it in moderation especially if you have other sources of caffeine in your diet.

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Maybe she can reduce to half a can a day if the craving is that bad but like what Juliana said, there is actually a risk to gestational diabetes and she won't want to go there. I had it and i had to take blood test on my own 7 times a day till i give birth to make sure my sugar level is in the healthy range.

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woah. she might want to watch her intake because there's so much sugar in it. if her family history has diabetes, she may be more prone to gestational diabetes too. but I do understand that crazy cravings can drive one nuts too.

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Thanks for sharing, mums! yeah, she does have diabetes within the family and she's also on the overweight side... oh well, guess she'll have to try to curb the cravings a little...

You can have not more than 200 milligrams of caffeine. So you def can have a can of coke since it contains only 71milligrams. Diet coke 47 milligrams of caffeine

thanks for the tip, Vania! yes, the caffeine does play a role afterall. will inform her to take note too :)

If she really loves the taste of coke so much she could go for coke light or coke zero instead.
