My daughter attended a progressive play-school during kindergarten and now that she is grade one, I enrolled her to a traditional school. From two and a half school hours, she will be spending eight hours in school now. What can I do to help her cope up with the sudden change of school environment and school hours.

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May I also add that the only problem we encounter is that she is mostly hungry after school. Because during break time she prefer to play instead of finishing her food. So be sure to prepare her snacks when she gets home. There was a time I write a note to the Teacher In Charge to kindly monitor her consumption of food and refrain her from playing without finishing her Lunch at least. haha! Nap time will be impossible though. But finish everything after she had snacks, give her bath, have dinner early and put her to sleep as early as 7pm. In that way she has enough energy for the entire day at school the following day. :)

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8y ago

You can start setting a sleep routine for her a week before classes resume. :) Goodluck!