Change school?

My lo is 2y4m old n has been attending school since last year oct(18mo), things are pretty great with her current school, the teachers are friendly n nice, centre is responsive to our queries, not too far away even though there are nearer schools. However, she has been falling sick weekly/biweekly ever since n longest she didn't fall sick was 3weeks n only once. She would attend school for a week or 2 then be home sick for 2-3 weeks 😵‍💫 n has already passed her illness to her baby brother(4mo) 5times already. This week she's home sick due to HFMD again, this is the second time, previous time was just in april. We were wondering if changing school would be a good option for her? Not too sure how she'd cope though.. Any tips on what we can do to help her cope if we were to change school? Or what can we do to help her n not change her school? #toddler #adviceplease

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hi there! I too have a 2 year old toddler attending playgroup just downstairs of where I stay. personally, I don't think changing school would help in 'coping'. my toddler started school this year April and like yours , had been falling sick , contracted hfmd , multiple flus , fevers. but I believe this is due to their immune being low 😅 previously before starting school they're always at home with us , not quite exposed to viruses outside and so in a different environment, the body might be shocked to get attacked la. haha! perhaps you could give those immunity vitamins or natural fruits/veg that helps to boost their immune system? not much of an advise from me but even if you change school, the chances of yr kid getting sick is still gonna be there. 😅 hope this somewhat helps you!

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3y ago

im currently also facing same issue, like i understand that kid falling sick easily. Bt every 1-2 weeks in school, he be at home for another 2weeks. has been a vicious cycle and its like the amount of money spend on seeing doctor and seeing him so sick make us worried. so we thought of changing school too, plus the school teacher and principal are not really good i must say.

to share, my 2yrs baby got cough and colds only after few days in childcare. funny when i went to see doctor, 1st thing he asked was, does your baby go to school? i quickly said yes. then he smiled, he said, 'it's normal. you need to be mentally prepared that your child will get sick every 2 to 3 weeks..' i was soo speechless. when i shared with hubby he told me, better get the nanny. we don't bring her back to school. maybe later if she's ok with wearing mask. aiyooh terrible.. the doc was like asking which is my priority, baby's health or her social skills devt.

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3y ago

Yep I know they will fall sick often once going to school. But the problem is she gets very very sick, 3 days in school n sick for 2 weeks kind. Not possible for us to hire maid or nanny as we live in a 2rm rental ☹️