My daughter is 18 months old. She rarely watches TV and we always read books. My problem is, she still can't say a lot of words. I am worried that she might be having speech delays. Has anyone of you had the same experience? Though, my daughter understands and listens to us whenever we talk to her. Am I worrying too much?

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I have a 19m and same thing she doesn't babble nor say a lot of words. Our pedia says she's doing okay as she understands simple instructions for her age. Give stimulation as well to make her respond in words. Like when reading a book.. we ask "what's this color" then we teach them what to respond. I also use repeat after me thou they're prone to mispronouncing it's fine. it's a step

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9y ago

that's actually a good avenue to each your kid what to say and learn words. when she says or just cry we ask what she needs then once we knew what it was we teach her the word for it