2 yrs daughter has not yet talk
Hi mummies, my 2 yrs old girls has not yet say even a words. Even if ask her to repeat to say "daddy" she will ignore.. i don't know if she has a speech delay but i saw some advertisement autisem child.. advise please. Thank you..

I think u don’t have to worry so much! My son also only speak after 2 years old. Was told not to worry. Kids normally will pick up when they about to turn 2 or slightly after they turn 2. However, there’s still no harm in going to a speech therapist. They can provide insights and tips on how to speed up the process. May not necessarily be autism though!
Read morethink you should be seeking advice from a medical professional, not parenting forum... cos we duno ur child, we duno if she has other possible issues or missed milestones.. if you are in Sgp and your child has been attending regular checks at the polyclinic or PD, tis would have been flagged to a specialist...
Read moreThere are two kinds of speech delay. Autism related and non-autism related. My son is 2.5 years old now and he rarely calls us mama or papa. Only when he feels like it. You can go to pd for checkup and they’ll refer your child for speech therapy
It might be speech delay! Just get a PD to assess it. My LO had speech delay too. Early intervention is always good. Now she can even quarrel with the adults after attending for 4 months
it might be speech delay. not necessarily autism. my nephew couldn’t really speak when he was 2, it was just speech delay