My daughter is 18 months old. She rarely watches TV and we always read books. My problem is, she still can't say a lot of words. I am worried that she might be having speech delays. Has anyone of you had the same experience? Though, my daughter understands and listens to us whenever we talk to her. Am I worrying too much?

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Hi mommy, some children are usually just late bloomers. At times also, she just need to be exposed to children her age. You can enroll her to play school class to encourage her to talk and interact with kids her age. You may also consult a Developmental Pedia to evaluate your daughter if this would give you peace of mind. This is what we did to my daughter who also wasn't able to say minimum of 50 words at the age of 2. Although she can understand us and follow our commands, she doesn't verbalize much that time. Now, at 3 years old and after undergoing Speech therapy, she is more talkative and can interact well with us and with her peers.

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9y ago

Thank you mommy! I think I should consider enrolling her to play school. Will also ask her pedia to recommend us to a specialist so she can be further assessed.