My 3yo daughter never got her hair cut/ trimmed cos she wants to be a princess and princesses have long hair. But it's hot and her fringe is long. How do you persuade your kids to go for a hair cut at the hair salon?

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Is there any kid salon near by? My daughter refused to go as well but we took her to kid salon and there are so many toy to catch her attention and it works!

VIP Member

i have never tried bringing them to a salon. i do it myself. force them at first. then slowly they ok with it.

8y ago

Also, when we get a haircut, we bring them along.. since they understand it is just a haircut and it isnt that bad, they have been asking for a haircut all the time.

VIP Member

Show her a picture of a "princess" with fringe?

tie her hair?

VIP Member

take her along whenever u go to the salon, ad show all goodlooking celebs with short her, give her reasons why short her is good for her..