After birth check up at kkh
Is it a must to go for the check up after 6 weeks of birth ? Mine is natural birth , if yes what the doc check for ?

The doc will check your wound if it’s healed or healing properly and also do a ultrasound to check your womb if it’s clear. If you have gestational diabetes, they will write a referral for you to go check at the polyclinic.
If there was a repair of the vagina, they will check that. If you have any concerns, inc. post natal blues/depression, it’s also a good time to raise it. Then there’s discussion on pap smear, contraception, etc.
If csect they will check on the wound to see if it is healed properly. And also do a pap smear test. If no complications or all they will discharge you.
Yes, please go for scheduled post-natal check up. Doctor will check that your wound has healed nicely and that you’re adjusting well to being a new mum
Hey, Yes it is best to go for post-natal check up as the doc will check and make sure if the wound is healing properly and everything is fine
Yes, for pap smear test
Do pap and scan womb