Hi mumsies! May I know how long did you ep/bf ur kids and how do you wean them off? Still thinking wanting to wean lo off or not because i have a pathetic supply

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Super Mum

For my first child, I did it for 10 months. Trying for 1 year for my second child. But honestly, if you want to stop, just stop. If you want to continue, please do. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do. You’ve done a great job so far already!:) Baby will still do well with formula milk. Don’t stress yourself out too much. Breastfeeding should be enjoyable and rewarding ❤️

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5y ago

Sigh i feel so guilty for not giving enough..

Super Mum

I bf for almost 1 year and still going. My supply has gone down a lot already but I still bf mostly for baby's comfort since she loves latching.

VIP Member

7 months! Slowly drag pumping.

5y ago

No problem ☺️😉