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Mummy’s , my menses late for 6 days already and I actually went to take my pregnancy test . So not sure if it is positive ? Is a very light line

Can try other brands of pregnancy test kit... because I've been trying for a baby for the past 8 months... I can tell you many times I've been 'fooled' by Clear Blue pregnancy test kit with the faint blue lines (see a photo attached for your reference)... in the end it's either I wait for a few more days my period comes or I go to see a gynae and test negative... so now I don't trust faint lines suggestion is u wait for a few more days then see if your period comes... if it doesn't then test with a pregnancy test kit again... if still unsure see a gynae... and their pregnancy test kit is much more sensitive and accurate than those we buy off the shelf... hope this helps! :)
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Look's like a double line but best is to re-take again a week later. That's when your hcg level is higher and you should get a darker line.
It looks so positive. I started to take preg strips on my 7dpo and its very painted line positive, currently on my 18weeks. Congrats!😊
mine was like that also , But then i tried buying diff Test kit from Several Shops 😅😅 . It turn out to be POSITIVE
Congrats! I had thin line too. It was due to too early test. 2 weeks later, it was obvious. :)
Looks positive. Also try to buy clear blue from 7/11 and test again. Very clear like the name suggest
looks like the blue one is OPK? you can't use the same cup of urine sample on both type of test.
i wud suggest u wait for another week to try again...6days is too early
You can try a digital one instead, like clear blue. would be clearer :)
Looks positive. You can try again after a week... it should get darker