How much are ur LO drinking at 4 months
Hi mummies, need some advice! My LO is coming 4 months old, and I suspect he has reflux as he spits up milk often and has wet burps etc. from what I googled. Hence we always put him upright 30 min after feeds. We are trying to do lesser quantity but more often now, every 2-2.5 hourly. How much are your babies drinking at 3.5-4 months? When we try 100ml, it seems he spits up lesser and sometimes none now. But after feeds he cries and wants more, if we give more he will vomit or spit milk. What should I do? He’s still producing wet diaper and poops daily. Gaining weight now at 7.7kg coming 4 months old. #1stimemom #advicepls
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Hi mummies, my LO is 3 months old. Fully breastmilk fed. Last night was the first time he STTN from 11pm-9am. During his first morning feed, he spit up some milk with a wet burp. I saw traces of yellow? Googled it says could be empty stomach. However the subsequent 3 feeds, he did not spit up anymore yellow stuff. Can anyone advise what’s this? Is it serious?#firstbaby #advicepls
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