Is it Positive?
I took pregnancy tests for 4 days straight, My last menses is on 20 November last month... But the pregnancy test line not to dark,isit#advicepls positive ?

I had done IVF and was testing it a few days prior to my HCG blood test. The blood test was to be done on the 14th day post IVF. So i couldn't contain my excitement and started testing 4 days before that blood test and was so happy for i got deep dark lines initially but then I got faint positive for the later days of test kits. Blood test were done, it wasn't in the optimum range and i did another blood test 2 days later, confirmed i had a biochemical pregnancy due to low HCG levels. There is a range to refer to. However, it might also be a case for inaccuracies in pee kits. Pee kits can pick up very low levels of HCG of 10 IU/L. If u are 3weeks pregnant, ur HCG should be at least 30-70IU/L. 4weeks pregnant at least 80IU/L onwards. So even if you see GP who ordered a urine test, they probably will ask u to test for a urine which i think is pretty useless. So please ask for a blood test to conclude this. Don't need to do ultrasound since i guess u should be in very early stage so can't see anything from ultrasound and but rather do blood test to find out.
Read moreFrom the 3rd down the line is dark but then again the strip have turned yellow so it might also be evaporation line (exposed too long). Try using other brand of kits. If it shows the same, congratulations you are pregnant! I highly recommend the Clearblue Digital cos it will state how long you have conceived. Or better go to polyclinic straight to confirm cos you'll still need to confirm your pregnancy with a dr.
Read moreYou are pregnant. I also had same result as yours. Light one. At first I didn’t believe so I went to polyclinic for double confirmation. The doctor at polyclinic said if I take 2 pregnant kits and the result is positive, then it is more accuracy.
Yes. Uncommon to have false positives. It could just be that your hcg level is not high enough? Give it a couple more days and test first thing in the morning 😊
just check at polyclinic. less than $20 if i rmb correctly. save time and money instead of buying so many kits. 😅
likely yes. i will advise you to try testing again 1 week later with clearblue kit
Yes it still positive. Go to check at polyclinic for confirmation by the dr.
As long as there is a line, you are. Better go visit a doctor soon
Have to take in the morning, first pee.
I think you're pregnant. try using clear blue very accurate