High Amniotic fluid problem
Any mummy have High AFI experience? How to drop to normal range? AFI 26cm at Week 25 Day 6 , super worries!

Yes, me! There's no way to drop to normal unfortunately. Mine was 29. Told by my gynae to prepare for preterm labour so I packed my hospital bag early just in case. Was told by a professor during my ultrasound that my waterbag will break prematurely and true enough it did when I was at 35 weeks 3 days. Admitted since then. The day of labour, I was 35wk 6 days & I had a sudden high grade fever due to an infection since my waterbag has broke early and both baby & I was in high risk so I was made to deliver. Eventually I did, naturally. Otherwise have to do c-sect if my cervix did not dilate as gynae wants in an hr. I've never had a c-sect before and my gynae also wants me to give birth naturally and luckily my cervix dilated fully. My baby's weight was normal but due to the infection, he had to be put in NICU. All is good now. I'm 25 days post partum. My advice is to trust your doctor. They know better.
Read moreI had little bit high AFI at 30th week of pregnancy. Mine was 19. My gynae advised me to stop sugar and rice and I practiced that for 1 month and AFI was under control. So my advise would be to follow your doctor
Sabrina, nope I wasn't adviced so. There's really nothing to do for high AFI, really. It's a condition called 'Polyhydramnios'. You may want to Google about it.
All the best, Anon!