Increased Amniotic Fluid
Gynae has said that I have got increased amniotic fluid and my AFI is 20. Have to monitor and see if need to deliver earlier or do c sect coz baby is big apparently and I am small built. Baby is approx 1.97kg at 32W4D. Is that big? Should I be looking for ways to reduce amniotic fluid?

I’m small size too but at 30 weeks my baby is almost 1.6- 1.7kg and doctor say don’t worry. Still too early to decide. Rest assured me and ask me to see week 36 how before we come to a conclusion. Told me to cut down on carbo n take more protein instead. So at least can control abit.
I'm 32w+3 days and my baby weight is around 2kg. my doc say I can do natural birth. I'm petite too. My height only 158 cm. Weight 55kg. AFI 9.5. Does AFI play a part in whether you can do csec or natural birth?
What is the maximum range for you? I am the opposite of you, I got 7.5 for my AFI (normal but at the low range), gynae ask me to drink coconut water to increase my AFI 😂
Update us see what your gynae says btw😊
Hi mummy! How was your delivery? Via c-sect or vaginal? I am going through the same. My baby is 2kg at 32w4d but I have no GD.