Birthday goodie bags
Mummies. where do u get the goodie bags for ur kid’s classmates on his birthday?? Normally what’s inside and how much??

If still in preschool, best to give those like stationary sets, crayons, coloring books etc. If you want to prepare own goodie bag, abit hassle because need inform teacher and indicate on the form all the snacks/sweets you put inside (i think) Normally inside is Chuppa chups, wafer biscuit, oreo, hello panda, jelly.
Read more You can try getting presents from this website and they do home delivery as well which is really convenient. The quality is considered quite good and they have a variety of presents ranging from stationery to night lamps and even kinetic sand.
You can engage @thecircusparties from IG or Carousell. They are very very nice and always very accommodative to my budget. My 5th time engaging them and they always give extras.
I bought a story book which is sale fm popular hence got it for 2sgd , n a digital slate n some chocolates .. most of the gifts for party stuff bought it from shoppe
Nowadays sch may ask u not to give food as children may gt allergies. Can give stationery n juz pack in a bag. Sometimes value shop gt good deal on stationery sets.
Can check out party shops along Bugis if you don’t have time Or check online on shopee, Taobao and Ezbuy if you’re planning ahead
Bought from skp/daiso for the bags and i put it stuff from the value shop and daiso(: daiso u can get those cute chops and markers.
I'll get those bags online, buy in bulk. I put in cute stationeries like pencil pack, mini notebooks, small toy and the Yupi gummy
Can get it from taobao/ezbuy if you have some time to wait for the shipping to arrive. Its usually much cheaper. :)
U can try party shops near Bugis or Dazzling Giftz (cost effective and offers free delivery).