Self-care for mums

Hi mummies, what are some things you do for self-care? Getting really overwhelmed especially when hubby goes to work overseas...

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Self care is different for everyone, and it very much depends on what you enjoy doing :) Self care to me is taking care of my physical and mental health - so I eat healthily whenever possible and I take mental breaks too. I'm fortunate to have time control on my hands so I can go for a meal, movie, body massage etc on my own when I want to, or I could also choose to binge watch drama on my bed. I'm a work-from-home/freelancer mum so it gives me the flexibility to do so now! However, self care can be something as simple as taking an extra 10 minutes in the shower to wash up, choosing sleep over chores, spending some alone time in the bathroom or even letting go of being an adult and just thoroughly enjoying yourself like a child with your little one :)

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When I'm overwhelmed I do try and remind myself I need to be strong for my LO. So I usually eat more healthy food, take my supplements daily esp vit C and have a bit of me time like catch up on some news or dramas. Don't overdo on e dramas bit coz remember you need the energy the next day!

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I seek help from my mother or mil when hubby goes overseas. Either one of them will stay with me for few days to help out. My children loves it too cause they get pampered by grandma during this time...

Eat lots of fruits and have fresh squeezed juice. You can also go for running or a walk. It really refreshes you and also keeps you fit and energised. You can also try for home made face pack regimes :)

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I personally enjoy hanging out with my girl friends when hubby isn’t around. Another thing I like to do is go for massage. ☺️

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Ask your parents to help watching the kid maybe?