Hi, any mummies using UV sterilizer on MAM bottles and spectra pump parts? I realised mine turned yellow after a month and got me very worried as my boy is still an infant. Anyone experiencing the same?

Yes uv sterilizer ages PP bottles very fast.. Should replace them when they have turned opaque or changed color otherwise chemicals may start to leech. I've switched to PPSU bottles for UV sterilization, and use steam sterilizer on pump parts. Spectra also sells PPSU bottles https://shopee.sg/product/242594539/5732034154?smtt=0.0.9
Read moreM using MAM bottles since birth till now 5 months. Also use UV sterilize and Spectra S1. Spectra bottles and pump parts turned yellow about 1.5mths but MAM bottle or part nvr really turn yellow just the teat and the cover turned yellow after 3mths plus near 4 mths i think.
Using MAM bottles, spectra/maymom for spectra pump parts and Haakaa in my Haenim sterilizer for slightly over a month. Only the top part of the Haakaa is turning yellow :)
how long have you been using the bottles and the pump parts? yellowing is usually a sign of age. you may want to consider buying new bottles or trying a different brand
which pump parts you sterlize? My cousin been using it and faced no problem? It's a little too fast for it to turn yellow in a month. how often you sterlize in a day?
Read moreYou could try soaking in a solution of hot water abd baking soda or apple cider vinegar and then wash well. Should remove the stains.
This happened to my baby bottles too. Does anyone know why exactly these bottles go discoloured? And how to remove the stains?
I'm not sure why your uv sterilizer turns bottle yellow. I've been using uv sterilizer for months without any visible changes
Have heard that uv sterilizer turns bottles yellow but there is nothing to worry about except that the bottle looks ugly.
bottles turning yellow could be a sign that the plastic is degrading. to be safe, maybe you should stop using them