
3 Replies

Yes like the above mama say its better to bring your lo out to try the carriers..What suit others may not suit you. Places like bumwear ,babycarrier singapore,mothercare have diffenent carrier that can try some may need a small fee which can be offset if you buying a carrier. Singapore weather is humid so mostly canvas carrier will get warm for parents and lo ..You can try tula mesh which have in local or kinderpack mesh which avaible in us but hv mamas selling theirs in diff plateform ..Hope this help :)

I bought the Boba 4G baby carrier for my bestie as a baby shower gift and she loves it. She has been using it for 6 months now and she loves that it's comfortable for both baby and herself. Here's a list of other baby carriers that come highly recommended (of which Boba is a part of) http://sg.theasianparent.com/best-baby-carriers/

It is better to bring lo alone to try on the baby carrier before deciding on one. A carrier that fits others might not fit you, your hubby or your lo. I had tried on a few brands (including ergo, boba, manduca, some korean brands), before deciding on a tula which is more comfy for me, my hubby and my lo.

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