I feel you! Breastfeeding isn’t easy and it takes time and practice for both you and baby. Hang in there! Have you tried latching your baby in a laidback position? Nursing in a laidback position will encourage your newborn to take in more of your areola to achieve a deep latch. If not, you can try latching baby in different positions and see which one will help allow baby to have a deeper latch. You can join Breastfeeding Mothers Support Group (BMSG) for advice as well or online resources like https://kellymom.com/ages/newborn/bf-basics/latch-resources/ Latching on demand will be the best for now. Newborns are very sleepy. As long as there is enough dirty diapers and your baby is happy and putting on weight, you can encourage to feed more by talking to her, tickling her feet, stripping her so that she feels cold and will wake to feed.