Week 27 Early ML or No.
Hi Mummies! Pls share your experience (with Baby No 4) at Week 27, do you still work till your near edd date or took early ML. Right now, i feel totally breathless or shagged. 🥺

I worked till the day I went into labour with my no. 4 at exactly 37 weeks. My workscope requires me to walk alot and travel around & I only had 1 off day (weekday only). Was literally dragging my feet to work with my heavy and big belly. 27 weeks is way too early for ML. Probably you can start at 35 weeks?
Read moreweek 27 is still quite early though. just afraid that you may need more time after birth to recover and to take care of baby. would seriously consider to use your maternity leave closer to edd.. probably utilise your sick leave or annual leave or hospitalization leave instead?
1st pregnancy... i took 2 weeks in advance 2nd... i took 1 week in advance basically, i dont 1 2 deliver in office haha
I worked till the day I delivered 😊 Actually it is good to do so, it keep you occupied and this time flies😅
Started my ml on the day i got admitted to hosp. I worked till then 😂
can try to ask ur doc for HL so don't waste ur ML. 😝
skfjnib .. .skggxccvvxlfurpaaituoooxhk6pfo
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Mummy of 3 naughty magician