Rolling over during sleep

Hi mummies, need some advise and help!! My baby is turning 4 months in a few days and she also recently mastered rolling over on her tummy but unable to roll back yet. She goes to sleep being swaddled but nowadays strong enough to struggle out and able to roll over during her sleep. What I realise is her face is always down when she roll over making her struggle to breathe and she would make noises. I’m just afraid she rolls over at night and sleep on her face down on the bed and i don’t know cos i’m also asleep. What should i do? If i swaddle her, harder for her to roll but if she roll it’s dangerous. If i don’t swaddle her, easier for her to roll and she will keep rolling over when sleeping. What are your advises? 🥲

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Once the baby learn how to roll, hv to stop swaddle. It's tough in the beginning, my baby could not sleep long without the swaddle. But after a week or so, he get use to it. We started removing swaddle by only swaddle at night for bed. Then alternate night. Then remove it completely.