Reaction to formula?
Hello mummies my lo has been on nan opti pro 1 all the way from birth till now(1 month plus) and recently I see a little more watery greenish poop it means the formula is not suitable? What brand of formula milk will u recommend? I’m thinking of s26. How do I make the switch ? And is she having diarrhoea?

Hi! My baby's PD in NUH said as long as the poop colour is pigmented there's nothing to worry about. Unless the color is pale like grey or clay colour, then you'll need to bring baby to the emergency as it is not a good sign. My baby drank Dulac in the NICU and I changed his fm to S26 when we got home after discharged. So far so good and his poop is yellow but he's phlegmy. I feed him both bm & fm but mostly bm as adviced by his PD cos he's a preemie.
Read moreWhen my lo was on NAN her poop was also very messy and very very smelly. Her farts and poop would smell like rotten eggs. From what I heard, most babies on NAN experience this and it’s normal. I tried S26 too, poop was okay but every baby is different, must trial and error which milk is best for your baby. Slowly transition by adding one scoop of the new milk first. Next day then add two scoops and so on.
Read moreI was told by my PD tt greenish poop may be caused by slow digestion and baby ate more than usual. Nth to worry abt. Baby's poop consistency shld always be a lil watery since they're on liquid diet only. Mine also has occasional green poop and I'm on mixed feed too FM NAN HA 2x and rest BM.
my baby also 1 month+ and is on full BM and the poop is same as yours. their poop colour will change as they grow. unless they stop drinking and there's a decrease nmbr of diaper change.
my baby drinks NAN HA. wahh the smell of the poop really really bad. But i have no choice, the FM suits him best. so... i have to tahan the smell ..😭
my LO was taking s26 for a week since birth but was having constipation so i changed to nan optipro1 for 3weeks now and it has improved
My baby using that also and have that kinda stool and also its stink like hell.. i change to karihome.. much more better then NAN
Can try Friso, if want to switch u need to do a gradual change. See if baby accept
Green poop is fine:) and normal for formula fed babies
my Baby is taking a Emfamil