Baby Stoller

Hi mummies, kindly share what brand of baby stroller you are using & why. Prefer something more stable, seat angle flexible. Thanks!

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Mykeenz is Germany brand. Can view at the upcoming mummy's market this October. Last few mth mummy's market the preorder price was $398. Instock also $398 at the mummys market. But online is $598. See the price gap. It can carry up to 60kg!!! The wheel is way so diff from other stroller and it's easy to fold and unfold. I went to survey few strollers too. But mykeenz catches my eyes. Bugaboo also not bad but too expensive. But if you have a low budget you can check out other brands too.

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Stokke!! Love the height cause baby is at much higher position. Can even turn stroller to face the front when child is awake and facing me when child needs to sleep.. Sometimes, the Stokke gets used as a baby high chair too during meals!! It's high enough to meet table height!!

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I'm using silvercross jet. Bought it coz its a cabin size stroller, so bring go out, or overseas easier. Its steady too compare to other we saw, can lay flat compare to Pockit the version we saw. And price friendlier compare to other cabin size strollers.

We bought Chicco from the baby fair as it came with the baby seat and it looks very very stable, only downside is that it's heavy


Keenz! Easy to handle and most importantly it won't topple if I carry my baby out and hang things at the handle

Super Mum

Graco Citilite. 4.7 kg, one hand operation and durable. Using it for 3plus yrs

I bought yoyo ... I like the quality and easy to use and cabin friendly

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Joie brand baby stroller. User friendly and durable. :)

Bugaboo or Yoyo. They’re small and easy to maneuveur around

Super Mum

Preorder from mommies market coming up. Bugaboo best