Pregnant after surviving cancer

Hi mummies, Am into my 12-weeks pregnancy today. This wld be my 4th child however dis baby is different frm his/her older siblings. As baby was conceive 2 years post my breast cancer treatment. I have been on remission since 2020, surviving a stage 3 breast cancer. Though its 4th, hwever, i felt totally different in my pregnancy journey. Im literally more tired den usual. Tried to fight it off, bt i always find myself catching my breathe. Im kind of hungry bt no food seems satisfying for me & if i eat just to have something on, i tend to vomit out everything. I can easily doze off & just dont feel like doing anything & everything. Wen things were gd, i will get myself out bt most time, i will get tired. Nt sure if its due to my low immune as i was previously treated with chemo or it is kind of "normal" at dis stage? Wen will i get to feel really normal? Can to share hw u guys overcome fatigueness, laziness, sleepiness & appetite matters during this period?

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congrats on being in remission šŸ„³ every pregnancy is different! the major difference now is your body is indeed different, weaker from before. not only due to cancer but also age and 3 prior pregnancies. itā€™s normal at this stage as hormones are leveling out in early 2nd trim. but itā€™s definitely not easy fighting off these ā€œinconvenientā€ needs at this stage as you have 3 other kiddos to care for! you can inform these to your gynae, she might be able to help with medication for digestion issues. do rest when you can and eat when your body tells you to.. listen to your body and take good care of yourself šŸ˜Š

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