It’s normal! Hahaha me too. I’m at Week 20 and I’m always perspiring. After morning shower will perspire a lot. So I always use extra mint shampoo to cool myself down and sit in front of a full blast fan until I’m cooled down. Wear loose clothing and drink cold water if you want. It’s also Singapore’s weather that pregnant mothers are feeling double the heat.
yah...its normal. everyday the word "hot" comes out from my mouth afew times. don't say when pregnant feel hot, even non-pregnant the sg weather is so sweat-inducing one, till now post parturition 3mth liao also feel hot, so it's just the weather. so just bathe and then drink more water to stay cool or go office or shopping centre blow free air con lol...
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yeah the weather also not helping😖 Thank youuu
Yup it apparently normal for body temperature to rise during pregnancy! We didnt install aircon while i was pregnant And we had air cooler, i had to put 2 bags of ice with to feel slightly cold and i was sweating like mad 😅
it's normal. third trimester onwards i cant even stand my husband juz putting his hand on my thigh (we were in a aircon room). i will tell him your hand very hot, dont touch me.. haha
Maybe you like to get like a fan air cooler the type where you can add water to cool the air, I use that during the day when it's hot.
It’s normal.. and it gets worse 😂 By third trimester I felt as thou the heater is installed in me..
Omg it gets worse?! Hahahaha thanks for the warning 🤪💞