Hi mummies. Im 5 months and so worried now with this virus going on. How do you all feel abt it? And what can we do?

Go out as little as possible. I’m lucky that I’m not working so I “self-quarantined” since after 3rd day of CNY and never go anywhere except to see my gynae. Wear a mask if u need to go out. My hubby and I wash our hands and bathe immediately when we get home. Also, my hubby sterilises/cleans his clothes, bag, shoes, and phone with UV steriliser wand, baby wipes and anti-bacterial fabric spray.
Read morego out only for check up, otherwise stay at hme, buy grocery thru online then cook at hme ,call food delivery or ask family member to buy food for u ... wash yr hand with soap before and aftr u eat, exercise at hme , try to relax ,too much stress will cause harm then gd so stay happy ... rest more
Stay clean and calm. I am 36wks pregnant now. Everytime after reaching home or reach office, I will wash my hands and spray sanitizer, don’t forget to always clean your phone too. You can use a mask if you’re worried. Minimise visits to crowded places.
Wear mask when u go out, hand wash, sanitize, try to stay in doors, work from home if possible. Sort of house arrest ourselves...
Wear mask. Wash hand frequently. Use hand santisier. Avoid crowded area . Stay home where possible
Staying calm is really important too, as stress and anxiety can cause serious problems too.
Wear mask, avoid crowds. Everything will be fine. :)
Thanks all will try to stay calm and wash hands!
Wear a mask and avoid crowded place.
wash hand more often