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Mummies, if your child at 2 months is having fever (37.5 and above), do you bring them straight to the hospital or wait it out ? My son is currently having fever only at night for the past 3 days as high as 38.5 but goes back to normal in the morning . Should i bring him to the hospital now ? My mum says it normal for them to have fever as they are growing but should i be concern ? Help me out here .
Mumsy of 2+1 energetic magician
if for 3 night first I will try to find the reason. I will bring to pd. if nothing works I will bring to hospital
Ok sure, thank you mummy
Pls go to the hosp and get an ease of mind.. too young to get a fever that high
Thank you, sure will bring him to the hosp .
NurAsyikin R