Hi mummies, i went for my second scan at week 8 to check on the baby's heartbeat, but the doc didn't let me hear on the heartbeat and also my husband is not allowed to be in the ams room upon screening and was told to wait outside :(

Yup me too, even at 10 weeks doc at KKH AMC didn’t let me hear the heart beat and husband was told to wait outside. I only hear baby’s heart beat at 12 weeks at Antenatal Diagnostic Centre (ADC) at Level 2. Husband still had to wait outside. This is due to the precautionary measures that they implemented. Usually detailed scan will be at ADC where they’ll tell you more details of your baby. Like their measurements, whether there’s nasal bone, show you the arms and legs, heart rate, etc.. I hope for my next detailed scan (I’ll be 21 weeks) my husband can enter the room with me.
Read moreYou may not hear the baby’s heartbeat on the scan, actually. You usually see it beating and moving. The hearing one is the doptone, which is done later on when baby’s bigger. By then, hopefully your husband can be in the consultation room with you to hear:)