Back pain
Hi mummies . I want to ask, do you have back pain problem after give birth? I normal give birth and my LO is 9 months but my backbone feel very pain. I didnt take epidural at all .. Isit normal?

I did ask my husband to massage my back slowly but its feel like been smack down.. Even he try to crack my back, i cry in pain .
Hi, Yes experiencing back pain post pregnancy is normal but if it is continuous and unbearable, please consult the doc
I had back pain too for at least 3 months and it's completely gone now. To be sure, can check with doctor!
This is more thn 3 months .. I will see the doctor soon .
My back only aches when bending too long to attend to baby. Maybe ask your gynaecologist
I should see doctor cause, stand to long or sit too long and even i lying down also my back became very stiff.
Yes it's normal but still better to consult your gynae if the pain gets too intense
I will see doctor soon . Thank you
Hi... yes, it’s normal to experience back pain after having children
No. I took epi, back to normal. Did you bend down a lot during confinement?
I didnt bend down but i do sit on the floor a lot of times
Is it because of the long duration you have been carrying your baby?
I didnt carry so much at home . Only at outside.
Btr to c a doc
I will .. Thanks ..
A mother to lil potato