7 weeks scan & empty sac

Hi mummies! I had a scan about a week ago but doctor said he could not see yolk sac or fetal pole. I thought I was 7-8 weeks but doctor said could be early and I'm going for another scan next week. Photo attached my scan. Any thoughts or success stories would be greatly appreciated.

7 weeks scan & empty sac
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Hi! I was in your situation previously so I can understand how you feel haha did you do abdominal scan or transvaginal scan? Doc only found an empty sac with abdominal scan but a week later, I went to another gynae who did transvaginal scan for me and managed to find fetal pole and yolk sac!

Yup its always best to scan at 8 weeks to see something and ask them to do transvaginal, more accurate. Cause sometimes bb too small to be seen via abdoment scan

Even at 7 weeks, it's normal for some people not to see the yolk sac yet. Some people only see it between 8 - 10 weeks.

8h ago

Thank you for replying! I hope I will receive good news next week