4 Replies

Super Mum

Hi Agnes:) Don’t worry too much and just think about it this way.. at the end of the day, you’ll be holding your beautiful baby in your arms:) The process is like this.. they’ll do a check on you just prior, to see how dilated you are. Then, they’ll insert the medicine through the vagina. This softens the cervix and hopefully gets the whole labour going. The process can possibly take a long time, or it could be quicker than expected. Even for natural labour, the duration is also very varied. They’ll do checks on you every few hours to see the progress. If things are going a little slower, they may insert the medicine a second time, just to try to move things along:) Once you go into active labour, it’s pretty much the same process as normal labour. Take all the pain relief you want/need, and let the contractions bring you to 10cm. They may/may not break your water bag for you after you hit 4-5cm. Once you’re at 10cm, give it all you’ve got and follow their instructions to push baby out. It’s tiring, but really, when you see your baby and hear the first cry, it’s worth it ❤️ The horror stories you may have heard might include no progress of labour despite induction. Yes, that’s possible sometimes, and your gynae may offer a C section. Once again, I hope you don’t feel sad or anything because at the end of the day, your baby will still be cradled in your arms, and you’re going to be a great mummy to your little one! Congratulations in advance, dear 😊

I was induced and I walked around the hospital neighbourhood afterwards. Not sure if that helped labour but 1-2hr later I felt waves of pain contractions coming and screamed for epidural soon enough. I delivered naturally with assisted delivery. Every experience is different. Just don’t be worried. Emergency c-sect or natural birth, just focus on the fact that you’ll be holding your LO soon.

Hi mummy... I been induce labour actually its nuthing... Till now I juz give birth to healthy baby... Dun be scared n get ready to face de challenge... Mummy u can do it...

Good luck and stay positive mommy

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