? hi mummies, i just brought my 1yo child for staycation at sentosa and went for a 10min swim. Now my baby is developing rashes from head to toe. Is that allergy to the pool water or wad? ???

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Likely to be an allergic to the chlorine, Mean while if you have zyretc, give him to relief the itch. Apply calamine too. If baby still seem very comfortable to it, bring to see a doctor for a peace of mind.
Read moreMost likely allergic to the chlorine or just super sensitive skin. Moniter and see how it goes, if it gets worst. Meanwhilr i will keep it dry and not apply anything in case it worsens.
Its just reaction. Very likely baby might have sensitive skin.. because chlorine water is pretty dry to the skin. Wash the baby with soap and moisturiser gao gao..
See a pd! Head to toe is a lot and must be v uncomfortable. Moisturizer and use cetaphil restore (pharmacy or KK got sell)