Hi Mummies. How much (ml) cooled boiled water per day should I give to my 6 months old baby? He is on 100% formula milk.
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Super Mum
Don't think there's a definite amount but you can feed per demand regularly through the day. Offer the cup, if baby pushes away then stop. Often baby cannot take a lot at one time so just offer regularly between and after feeds.
Super Mum
You will want to use the same baby sippy cup and feed the baby the water through out the day. Make it a routine to get baby used to it
Super Mum
Baby won't be able to drink much each sip but main thing is to start the routine
No definite amount and they don't need much. They main liquid is still milk
VIP Member
Not more than 50 mL. Give after feeding solids.
VIP Member
0.5oz 3x during day time after feedings
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